27 October 2005
About Me
- Name: american short-timer
- Location: whereabouts unknown
writing for those who can't
short - tim·er shôrt tī'mer noun
1. one nearing the end of a contractual term of service; a military enlistee at the end of a tour.
2. one arrested in service past a mutually agreed upon date after invocation of an executive order.
3. one at the proverbial end of his proverbial rope.
Inference: declining institutional loyalty proportionate to the nearing of one's Expiration Term of Service.
See also: Boobus Enlisticatus.
I am not in Iraq and I am not currently in the Army and I am not getting my ass shot at. This site is in compliance with MNC-I #9 as per FICI-CE-I, DoD Directive 5230.9 and AR 25-1, etcetera etcetera andsoforth.
Drop american short-timer a line.
Charlie Yankee Alpha... out.
there's more
- ask a simple question
- the mother of all shoutouts
- if only
- obsolete
- who's on first
- almost normal
- out of order
- by special request
- what becomes of the purple hearted
- last laughs 'n whatnot
live each day as though it were to be your last, and one day you're sure to be right.
--Harry Harbord Morant
Encyclopedia Horrifica indeed, but consistently outstanding AST!
When I read this post, on one hand I'm amazed at how good the writing is, and on the other hand, realizing what you had to experience first hand before you could share it... A little comment from me saying 'good job' after all that seems so totally lame. Not sure what to say dude. fuck. I'm at a total loss with coming up with any kind of comment that even comes close to describing how good this site is. Thanks for sharing with us.
Wow man this is powerful stuff. Sometimes with all the explaining away that goes on, you start to wonder what's so bad about the war anyway. This reminded me.
Maybe this is just me but I've noticed that you shift bewteen story telling an almost lyrical way of writing it's good stuff. Good stuff.
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