please don't do this
Whatever you do, don't do that.
Owing to ongoing logistical fucked-upness, keeping up with the Joneses and making the blog more hip and more phat and more with-it and adding visual and audio and tactile and servile and purile and juvenile content has proven... a real bitch. So shit's being simplified.
That's it. That's all. Simplify. Clearing out the old. In with the new. More vapid. More vacuous. More meaningless. More's the better, is what the word is. More more more of less less less.
I giggled...I teared up and felt so sad.. and giggled again. For someone who's not there *grin* you are doing quite well, but then you are a short-timer....and then again I'm just a civilian.
How many MASH episodes have you watched by the way?
"Has anybody ever told you you're crazy?"
hahahahahahaha - you and me both AST :o))))))
take care
Dear Short-timer,
Just wanted to share with you, while I've combed through your page forwards and backwards and really can't figure out what the story is, to my regret, your site is superbly written and thoroughly enjoyable read. Keep up the good work!
Speaking from a psychologist-in-training standpoint, you are absolutely correct. PTSD can't be diagnosed until 30 days after the stressor/traumatic event occurs. It's predecessor, Acute Stress Disorder, can't even be diagnosed until after the stressor is over.
Drop me a line or a comment on if you have any questions...
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